OMG Sept 3rd since I wrote last? *GASP* that is bad. I truly apologize to my 3 readers they must be sitting on the edge of their seats with their faces smooshed into the keyboard! Been crazy here the past few weeks with Kindergarten and Preschool excuse but there have been other issues involving our dear SON that have been making day to day living a bit foggy. Let me explain....
He still is getting up at night. There I said it out loud and it STILL sucks. I don't know if it's just the change with Kindy starting or what, but he will get out 3-1000 times after we put him to bed and then 4-25 times during the night. O. M. G. I am at my WITS end. I would have thought by 5 years old he would get up for the odd nightmare but not the constant in and out that occurs every night at our house. We have a very strict routine. Baths start at 6:30pm and by 7:30pm we are reading stories and have the doors closed by 8pm. But the second door opens at 8:02pm with varying excuses..
What time does Wow Wow Wubsy come on tomorrow?
What time does Daddy go to work?
I want my Sheep bed! (he's getting a new bed from Sleep Country..A sheep is their mascot)
My fan is too loud
My fan is too soft see where this is going. The reasons are seriously crazy but I must give him points for creativity I guess. Wow Wow Wubsy? Seriously? We have tried sticker worked for awhile and then lost it's flair...bribes of ALL games, candy and the inlaws even tried to help out by offering MONEY. Yes you read right. He could buy us a new house by the time he's 10 if he stays in bed every night for the next 5 years because they give him $2 a night...ok maybe not a house but a dollhouse!
So he stayed in bed last night because a new Pac Man game is on the table if he stays in bed for 5 nights in a ROW. Can't be broken up..5 nights or no deal. I am torn on this bribe that DH produced because ds becomes addicted to video games and then asks all the freakin TIME for the thing to be turned on. I have little use for video games but I have to hit where it hurts I guess...this game can be taken away too if he misbehaves.
His sister has been getting up at night too but for an entirely different reason. She has been wetting the bed...every night for the past WEEK...I was totally confused at to why when I finally figured it out last night at 12am....she is DRINKING the BATHWATER. Omg EWWWW gross!!!...I just couldn't figure it out!! I was making sure she had no more juice after dinner and then she would have a bath. My Mom caught her the other night drinking it and it never hit me until last night like a shoe to the head "AHHHHH HA!!!!" Bathwater=liquid=urine=peeing the bed. EUREKA I have found the PROBLEM!!! So we will be on her like a hawk more bathwater martini's for Princess C tonight. She will have to be on the wagon.
So this week is filled with things like getting kids to sleep through the night and no peeing the bed and open houses at school and school pictures. The reminds me I need to get ds's hair cut for the pics! I will have to give him spiky hair for the pics and he loves me doing that as much as I love getting my yearly pap. Oh Joy.
This song is making me want to drink a martini! lol
Hopefully this STAGE will pass soon!
No wonder you haven't blogged in a while! I hope all gets better...and soon!
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