My other lover...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Calling in sick used to be fun...

I am sick. I could feel it trying to grab hold over the weekend and all of yesterday and finally, as of this morning I am officially sick. My head is pounding, my back is KILLING just to touch (wtf?) and I am stuffed up and coughing till my ears ache. Not fun and as I am following my daughter from room to room telling her to clean up the messes she makes and to talk nicely, I am realizing that maybe work would have been the better option. This is not relaxing or helping me get better, in fact it is irritating me more to the point I want to scream. She is now drawing happy faces in the dust mounting up on my gas fireplace..nice reminder to clean once feeling better. Thanks dear daughter. ACHOOOO!! That dust is not helping.

The husband is here home sick as well but has chosen to choose the time to stress over our mounting bills and money owed around the globe. I can't go there or my head will pop off like a dandelion (remember that game?) I always feel guilty when I call in sick like I could have somehow crawled in and made an effort but as I sit here sneezing and sounding like a raccoon has taken up in my throat, maybe I made the right decision today. Nothing like wearing a mask and having the warm air from your breath get the mucous running down your face as you try and maintain your composure through eye contact knowing full well you have the snot river flowing down your chin. Ahh memories..

So if you are well, EMBRACE it and don't take it for granted. This totally sucks being housebound and being a mucous factory. One last word...thank god for Advil Cold and Sinus Plus...peace OUT.

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