My other lover...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Rediscovery of my alarm clock

So if you have read my blog a bit then you know we have been having HUGE problems in our house with the kids staying in bed at night, particularly during the 1-5am hours. My son was the worst offender, getting up sometimes in excess of 10 times a night one after another. I was beginning to resemble the corpse bride with pale skin,black bags under my eyes and a tick that would make my top lip snarl up like character off a Warner Brothers cartoon. It was not pretty.

My inlaws decided that ds needed a new "big boy bed" and so down to Sleep Country we went and picked out a new GORGEOUS double bed. We brought it home and he was very excited to have a regular bed instead of his car bed. This presented a problem with our daughter because she then too wanted a new bed and it was LONG past due for her to have one. She was still in...brace yourselves...a crib at 3.75 yrs old. I never had an issue with the crib but LOTS of other people did. She stayed in there all night and it was plenty big for her and she hopped in and out no problem so there was no rush in my mind. But once she saw ds's new bed she suddenly had a change of heart and wanted a PRINCESS bed. So we got one and she loves it to bits.

So they have been sleeping in their beds all night for quite awhile now but getting up in the 5:30-6:30am range which is a TAD on the early side for me but much better than 2:30am. But 2 mornings ago something wonderful and down right SHOCKING alarm went off. I woke up and looked kids...wth?? what is going ON here people?? did someone not get the memo? you are all to descend on Mom and Dad's bed way before they are physically and mentally prepared to awaken and deal with you! I had to seriously think this one through because I had forgotten what it was like to awake to music instead of feet pounding like 10,000 elephants coming down our hallway. At first I was excited..."YEAH THEY DID IT!!" I had to wake up DH and share my excitement with him..he grumbled something incoherent and something about turning the light off. Yeah, yeah come buddy this is time to CELEBRATE!! But then my excitement turned to paranoia...what if....they....are not even IN their beds!! You have to understand if you have been in this house the past 4 months that night time is like a perpetual running of the bulls up and down the hallway putting people back in their beds. I started to think crazy thoughts...I turned on dd's monitor and I could HEAR her breathing and I took a huge sigh of relief and smiled.

This is night 3 of sleeping through the night and past 6:30am..BOTH of them.

They did it....they really did it.


Anonymous said...

I hope this continues until the end of time, my dear! xoxo

Anonymous said...

it was altogether gripping to read.